Northern California Time of Remembrance (NCTOR) 2024
Presented by Florin, Lodi, Placer County and Sacramento JACL Chapters
The Myths: From Enemy Aliens to Model Minority
Saturday, February 10, 2024, 1:00-3:00 P.M.
California Museum: 1020 O St. Sacramento, CA 95814
The 2024 NCTOR program will include a viewing of Not Your Model Minority by Jon Osaki followed by a roundtable discussion featuring:
Jon Osaki
Jon is an award-winning filmmaker whose interest in film grew from his desire to share the stories of the Japanese Community Youth Council, where he has served as Executive Director since 1996. As a filmmaker, Jon views this genre as the next step in his lifelong pursuit of social justice and equity.
Krista Keplinger
Krista Keplinger is a Yonsei working with the Florin-Sacramento Valley Japanese American Citizens League (Florin-SV JACL) as a youth representative. After earning an American history degree at University of California-Davis, she began editing adult nonfiction and children’s books. She is passionate about uplifting historically underrepresented voices by working with diverse creators.
Carl Takei
Carl currently serves as a Senior Staff Attorney and Criminal Justice Reform Program Manager at the Asian Law Caucus. A founder and co-chair of Tsuru for Solidarity, he helped to build its purpose and mission. During his time with the ACLU, Carl successfully advocated for the termination of federal contracts with private prisons holding undocumented immigrants.
Registration Deadline: February 1
All tickets will be at the event check-in table.
Admission Prices
$15 General admission
$10 College student
Free for children 18 and under
$3 Flat Rate Parking Available at 1500 10th St. (cash only)
After registration you will receive a confirmation email which includes information on how to pay for your tickets.
Sponsorship: To become a sponsor, please click ‘Be a Sponsor’ on top right.
For questions, contact Nancy Whiteside at [email protected] or (916) 508-6587
Included with the 2024 program, Tsuru for Solidarity is hosting Healing Circles:
Thursday, February 15 at 5 – 7 PM PST
What is a healing circle?
Thank you to our Partners, Sponsors, and Donors!
- Florin JACL hyperlink to:
- Lodi JACL hyperlink to:
- Placer JACL hyperlink to:
- Sacramento JACL hyperlink to:
The educational partners have continued to provide support in facilitating the program activities that provide students from throughout Northern California with first-hand accounts of the Japanese American experience during World War II, so participants can explore concepts of citizenship, constitutionality, and redress.
- THE CALIFORNIA MUSEUM: For the past 21 years, the Museum has hosted the program, where more than 5,000 students from throughout northern California hear first-hand accounts from Japanese American survivors and others about the importance of valuing and speaking up for the rights of themselves and others.
- ELK GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD AND SUPERINTENDENT: For the past 40 years, the only California School Education Board to pass a Resolution to commemorate the Time of Remembrance program, sponsor teacher training, develop curriculum, and provide student education with the Florin JACL and other community partners.
- CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO, LIBRARY, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. With contributions from the community, volunteers and fundraising, the library has preserved thousands of documents and artifacts, sponsored exhibits and educated countless students and scholars both online and in the library. Many of the artifacts in the California Museum exhibit “Uprooted! An American Story” come from the Special Collections.
Donate and Support Our Events and Education Program
Thank you for supporting the Northern California Time of Remembrance (NCTOR) program and the docent-led tours for school students of the California Museum’s longest-running and redesigned exhibit, “Uprooted! An American Story.”
Your event registration fees, sponsorships, and donations will ensure that these programs continue. We welcome donations in any amount.
When you press the donate button, your payment will be processed through the Florin JACL and its Pay Pal account.
Please note that event registration fees are not tax-deductible. For donations, our tax identification number is 94-6102630.